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Surfing With Snakes & Dragons by Roger J Couture Book Review

Genre: Fiction/ Adventure/ Urban

Pages: 395

Rating: 3/5 Stars

In this novel, there are 8 different short stories that allow us to see how human nature reacts in difficult situations. While reading Surfing With Snakes & Dragons, you'll feel as if this is your own life hanging on the line. Leaving you to ask, "how would I react"? Would you do anything differently? Roger J Couture perfectly shows how keeping the rational side of us can be a bit of a struggle when faced with challenges.

Surfing With Snakes & Dragons was sent to me by the author. At first, I was a bit iffy on it. I wasn't exactly sure what I would think but that is always half the magic.  Surfing With Snakes & Dragons didn't automatically catch my attention. I had to start it 3 different times before it actually stuck.  This wasn't the books fault. I simple was in a bit of a stump. When I finally DID start to devour it, I was a lost cause.  I enjoyed it deeply as it actually made me think. I must warn your you may need a dictionary to fully enjoy every aspect of this novel. I sure needed one!

SWS&D is an easy novel to follow along with because it isn't broken into eight short stories.  Allow in the reader to focus on one story at a ti,me without feeling overwhelmed.  It is definitely a novel for a more mature audience.  For anyone who can place themselves in the ocean, or behind a gun, or Amy of the other situations written of.

I do recommend this novel to anyone willing to risk the feelings that you are sure to get as Roger brings out some of the demons that lurk under human's  skin.  Again, I would recommend  this for a more mature audience.  I would never buy this novel for say, a young teenager. Maybe 16+.

I look forward to hopefully see in more by Roger J Couture! Surfing With Snakes & Dragons was an unexpected pleasure for me to read! I rate it 3 stars due to the fact that I personally didn't find it to be one of my favorite novels. It surely did leave me asking myself, "And if me, I would"

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